Day 1: Monday, June 8th

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Daily Motivation: “To be a team, you must be a family” - Don Meyer

Ball Handling Workout

Ball Handling Drill #1: High Low Pound Dribbling


  • 10 High right hand pound dribbles

  • 10 low right hand pound dribbles

  • Repeat each with your left hand

Drill adapted from 5 ball handling drills every player should do

Ball Handling Drill #2: High Low Pound Dribbling


  • One Cycle = 5 pound dribbles, then 1 pocket dribble

  • Complete 5 cycles with each hand

Drill adapted from 5 ball handling drills every player should do

Ball Handling Drill #3: Line Dribbling


  • 10 Front and back right hand dribbles

  • 10 side to side right hand dribbles

  • Repeat with your left hand

Drill adapted from 5 ball handling drills every player should do

Ball Handling Drill 4: One Dribble Crossovers


  • 10 right pound – one dribble crossovers

  • 10 left hand – one dribble crossovers

Drill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling drills.

Ball Handling Drill #5: Continuous Crossovers


  • 20 Continuous CrossoversDrill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling drills.

Ball Handling Drill #6: One Dribble Between The Legs


  • 10 right hand pound – between the legs crossovers

  • 10 left hand pound – between the legs crossovers

Drill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling drills.

Ball Handling Drill #7: Scissor Dribbles


  • 20 scissor dribbles

Drill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling drills.

Ball Handling Drill #8: One Dribble Between the Back


  • 10 right hand pound – between the back crossovers

  • 10 left hand pound – between the back crossovers

Drill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling Drills

Ball Handling Drill #9: Continuous Behind the Back


  • 20 behind the back dribbles

Drill adapted from 17 stationary ball handling drills.



Complete the following three ball handling drills all in a row without stopping for one minute. Keep track of how many total "reps" you complete and submit your score to our post-workout form:

• 20 seconds inside-out crossover dribbles (every time you complete this entire combo move it counts as one rep)
• 20 seconds between the legs - double crossover dribbles (every time you complete this entire combo move it counts as one rep)
• 20 seconds between the legs, double behind the back dribbles (every time you complete this entire combo move it counts as one rep)

Shooting Workout

Shooting Drill #1: Creative Finishes


  • Make 20 creative finishes around the basket

Drill adapted from 20-20 vision workout

Shooting Drill #2: Form Shooting


  • Make 10 form shooting swishes from 5-10 feet away from the basket

Drill adapted from 3 drills to increase your Shooting Range

Shooting Drill #3: Drop Shooting


  • Make 10 drop shooting shots from 10-12 feet away from the basket

Drill adapted from 3 drills to increase your Shooting Range

Shooting Drill #4: Pound, Balance, Hand Stuff


  • Make 10 pound, balance, hand stuff shots from 12 feet away from the basket

Drill adapted from top 15 shooting drills for a perfect jump shot

Shooting Drill #5: Spin Series #1


  • Toss the ball out to yourself

  • Square up to the rim & catch & shoot from 15 feet away from the basket

  • Make 10 shots from various spots

Drill adapted from full shooting workout for basketball players

Shoot Drill #6: Spin Series #2


  • Toss the ball out to yourself

  • Square up to the rim, use a jab step, & shoot a one dribble pull-up jump shot

  • Make 10 shots from various spots

Drill adapted from full shooting workout for basketball players

Shoot Drill #7: Spin Series #3


  • Toss the ball out to yourself

  • Square up to the rim, use a shot fake & shoot from 15 feet away from the basket

  • Make 10 shots from various spots

Drill adapted from full shooting workout for basketball players

Shooting Drill #8: Spin Series #4


  • Toss the ball out to yourself

  • Square up to the rim, catch & shoot 3-point shot

  • Make 10 shots from various spots

Drill adapted from full shooting workout for basketball players

SHOOTING CHALLENGE: 5 Spot in a Row Shooting

Complete the following tasks and track how much time it took you to complete the challenge. You will need a rebounder for this challenge. When you are finished, enter your how long it took you to complete this challenge in our post-workout form:

• Make three 3 point shots from the left corner in a row.
• Make three 3 point shots from left wing in a row.
• Make three 3 point shots from the top of the key in a row.
• Make three 3 point shots from right wing in a row.
• Make three 3 point shots from the right corner in a row.
• Make five shots, one from each spot, to complete the drill. Record how long it took you to complete this challenge.

Strength & Conditioning

Circuit 1 (8 minutes). Complete as many rounds as you can. Minimum of 2 rounds.  

Push-ups (15 total).  

Triceps dips (20 total). Use a table.  

Lateral raises (10 total). If no dumbbells, use household items like laundry detergent. I used a backpack full of books.  

Dumbbell row (10 total). If no dumbbells, use household items.  

Repeat until time is up.  

Circuit 2 (6 minutes). Complete as many rounds as you can. Minimum of 3 rounds. 

Wall sit (1 minute) 

Lunges (20 total)

Repeat until time is up.  

Circuit 3 (8 minutes). Complete as many rounds as you can. Minimum of 3 rounds. 

Dumbbell single arm row (10 each arm) 

Standing overhead triceps extension (12 total) 

Sit-ups (20 total) 

Repeat until time is up.  

Circuit 4 (6 rounds).  

High knees (20 seconds) 

Rest (10 seconds)